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Emotional Freedom Technique

“The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system”

Gary Craig - founder of EFT


Your body's energy system runs along meridian lines in the body. If there is a blockage anywhere in these energy lines, then your energy is not able to flow properly and illness can set in, whether that's physical, mental or emotional illness. In order to restore the body to full health, we need to remove those blockages and get your energy running through your body properly. 

EFT does this by tapping on acupressure points along these meridian lines, mainly on the face, upper body and hands, whilst focusing on your issue. We use a score based system to assess how you are before you start and how you are at the end, with the aim of lowering that score during the EFT process. 

I trained in EFT with the Centre for Complementary Therapies and Training. 

EFT can help with any problem you have, whether that's physical pain, emotional trauma, mental health, smoking cessation, weight loss, cancer and much much more. It is a very simple and painless therapy and I will give you all the tools you need to carry on helping yourself even after our session is over. It is something you can do anywhere and at any time you need it. 

EFT sessions can be face to face or online and will start with a free initial consultation. Sessions are £30. If you wish to combine EFT with any of the other therapies I offer then the cost will be £40 per session. 



I trained in Meditation Teaching with the Academy of Transpersonal Therapies.

I offer a four week beginner introduction to meditation course, where I teach you how to meditate and the different types of meditation you can choose. Classes are for a maximum of 6 people at a cost of £40 per person. These are run several times a year, please contact me to find out the date of the next course. 

 Currently, there are three FREE meditations for you to download on the Home page.


I also offer Shamanic drum journeying on either an individual or group basis. Individual sessions are £20 for a face to face session and group sessions are £5 per person and are held online or face to face. To be added to the group, please contact me and I will let you know when the next group will be starting. 

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